Scoping Study of National Level Institutional Arrangements for Health Related SDGs Implementation and Monitoring in Ethiopia

Damen Haile
Date of Publication: 
September 2017

Ethiopia has achieved six of the eight MDGs and did a visioning exercise for setting goals and
targets that could be taken during 2016-2030. It contributed for the formulation of SDGs and the
2063 African Union Agenda. The main purpose of this assessment is to assess
adaptation/implementation status of health related SDGS in Ethiopia. Both desk review and key
informant interview were used for this scoping study.
The assessment indicated that the commitment of the government of Ethiopia for the successful
implementation of SDGs is high and it ensured ownership by incorporating in its growth and
transformation plan; different sectors including health have their own five years plan which is
devolved into regional states and districts for its implementation. The government has given
priority for six goals (Goals 1, 2, 3, 5, 9 and 14) and conducted Voluntary National Reviews
(VNRs) on SDGs of Ethiopia in which achievements in the past one year and a half related to
these goals is documented.
The main lessons drawn from the 2017 VNRs include availability of pro-poor and pro-growth
and development, decentralized administrative system with power devolution coupled with
institutional and organizational arrangement for effective implementation of SDGs as integral
part of GTP II to realize the principle of “Leaving No One Behind” and the 2017 Analytical
Theme “Eradication of Poverty and Promoting Prosperity in a changing world” under the
Ethiopian realities. On the other hand the main challenges include climate change induced
drought with negative impacts on the economy and human capacity, declining market prices of
major Ethiopia’s export commodities in international market, lack of commitment on the part of
the international community in mobilizing financial resource for implementation of SDGs,
particularly for infrastructure financing, and global unpredictability of peace and security which
can affect aid, loan and foreign direct investment flows. Moreover, the country is doing well in
achieving the SDGs.
Addressing the challenges requires more integrated and coordinated national effort and strong
and effective global partnership. In conclusion, based on its experience on achieving MDGs and
its track record of performance in implementing SDGs in the past one year and a half, Ethiopia is
going well in achieving health related SDGs.
We recommend that awareness creation should be sustained to the grass root level using different
channels, to implement the planned capacity assessment up to the lower level of administration,
availability of a clear guideline on the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders, to define the
role of academia, health policy research institutes, professional associations and the Ethiopian
academy of science in the implementation of SDG targets, there should also be a mechanism to
attract more funding for the implementation of SDG targets in Ethiopia, the disaggregation of
data sources used for M&E of SDG targets should also be strengthened. The HMIS data should
also be strengthened to the level that it can be disaggregated by elderlies, people with disabilities
and the marginalized group to leave no one behind.

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