The second National Health Sector Strategic Plan (NHSSP II – 2005-2010) outlines the health sector
strategies aimed at achieving the national development priorities defined by the government of Kenya
and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). NHSSP II’s goal is to reduce inequalities in health care
services and reverse the downward trend in health-related outcome indicators. One of the strategic
objectives of this goal is to enhance partnerships in the health sector. The health sector in Kenya is
inclusive of different stakeholders ranging from training institutions to research centers and NonGovernmental Organizations (NGOs) with a special interest in the health matters of the country.
The mapping of Health Resource Partner Institutions (HRPIs) in Kenya is part of a wider study being
carried out in selected African countries to model a sustained approach for strengthening health
governance and stewardship in low-income countries. The African Centre for Global Health and Social
Transformation (ACHEST) has facilitated this study in an effort to map out and examine HRPIs in order to
understand them better and develop a strategy that will empower and provide HRPIs with the appropriate
capacity to support health system stewardship and governance. Ultimately, the study is expected to
recommend models for strengthening the national health stewardship and governance using HRPIs.